Her Stories
"When I first began this work I was asked, "Why would they want to do that?" And, I couldn't answer that for them so I began asking the women themselves. Once they shared, I knew I'd never stop." - Christina Castaldo
In keeping with the spirit of respect and personal agency woven into all of her work, participants are invited to share only what feels right for them—whether that includes their personal stories, names, or photographs. Many women choose to honor their evolving identity by embracing a nickname, spirit name, or a name they feel resonates with their yoni, reflecting a deeper sense of self-expression and empowerment.
Zee Joule
Yoni Print Participant
I didn’t say yes to having Christina create a print of my yoni. I said “YES! I can’t believe I can be a part of this! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, this collection could be as impactful to women’s self acceptance as the Great Wall of Vagina and I can be a part of helping women to accept themselves wholly”. I can be a part of the healing of years of shame learned from sex negativity, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and daily micro aggressions. I can be a part of the moment when a woman sees the beauty of a hidden part of a woman which is usually only seen clearly in porn. I can be a part of showing women that our yonis, like our personalities, are all unique expressions of the chi or ashe or tao which flows through us, around us and is us.
There is no Self. There is only the I that is We.
The process of presenting my yoni, connecting with her in front of another, and allowing that other person to touch me where only a few have respectfully gone was blissful, intuitive, sad, and healing. I agreed to being a part of the Yoni Print collection to be a part of healing other women, to open their eyes to their own beauty and to help them recognize that we are one, we are unique, and ALL is well. But as I placed one hand on my heart and one on my yoni I felt and knew in my soul that I was the woman who most needed a collection like this to be made. I needed to share my yoni and I needed to see the yonis of other women so I can heal, so I can reconnect with her, and so I can see I’m not different. Unique, but not different.
Different has such a negative connotation for me. I have been different all my life but in this collection I am unique. Now I see, my yoni and I are uniquely beautiful and after this experience she is uniquely celebrated and loved.
Corina S
Yoni Print Participant
When I first saw a yoni print I was struck with curiosity and with fear.
I had never considered celebrating my yoni and certainly did not consider myself brave enough to bare her to be painted. I kept the idea in the back of my mind with the thought that maybe someday I would have the nerve.
That someday came not long after I started down the path to heal my sexuality and my heart. It was a very natural progression for me that served as a way to take back my power and let go of shame. To be witnessed in such a vulnerable way is powerful. It helped change the way I interact with her.
I let her out to dance more.
I touch her. I stare. I revel in her flirtatious beauty.
Maylene C
Yoni Print Participant
I walk around with the portal of creation between my thighs, a walking temple to the holy of holies. It wasn't long ago when I treated her the same as most of the Western world - land to conquer, blood water to damn, and discharge to be disgusted by. When I started listening to her, she patiently described her frustration of her mistreatment. As the birther of life, she wants to be seen. Really seen. As one sees the unfolding of a rose by witnessing and experiencing the truth and beauty and grace of what is. She has been patient and loving even in the midst of abuse and disrespect. Because that is her nature. So deeply connected to the heart she beats to the tune of motherhood. Of a forgiving and proud mama who while seeing her children bring deceit, abuse, and suffering, she is who she is, compassionate and still proud, still honored to be the creator of these very beings who mistreat her. She is sad that there is suffering. For she has felt it herself. She has internalized the suffering through sickness and pain. But this is not the end.With my acknowledgement and deep respect, I present her to you. Bringing my yoni and her love for me and the world into the spotlight. As I do this, I ask for her forgiveness and I tell her I am sorry, I thank her, and I tell her, with you as my witness, that I love her. My experience with Christina is as of one with an artist who takes care for the intimate details of each masterpiece. She treats the process as sacred and in return I left feeling inspired and known. I left with an abundant heart and a proud Yoni.
What was my partner's reaction? "Epic! I am happy that you are connecting to all parts of yourself.
Stephanie Pearlman
Yoni Print Paritcipant
Like many things in my life, the choice comes down to friendship, trust, and curiosity. I haven’t felt like a creative person since childhood, but when Christina began talking about yoni prints the idea of collaborating with her and seeing what would be revealed excited me.
The experience for me can only be described as anxious relaxation.
I put myself in Christinas capable hands and sank into the sensations: the softness of the paintbrush, the coldness of the paint, the pressure of the surface; arousing and relaxing all at once. But the anticipation remained and each print was new and different. I was anxious to see what would be revealed each time and amazed by the many ways my yoni presented herself. I didn’t think she had that many facets or that I would see so much in my prints!
I’ve shared my favorite prints with others and encouraged them to do prints of their own. I would definitely do it again! I’m so glad that I took the chance, and I couldn’t have done it without Christina on the other end of the paintbrush.
Bonnie B
Yoni Print Participant
The genesis of “yes” for me is simply because I was asked and yoni printing sounded interesting!
The journey the “yes” took me on was unexpected. The process of the painting itself was fascinating. It should have felt odd baring my most private self, but instead it felt like coming home. It felt like the joy and intimacy of family. Unexpected emotion welled up, and I could clearly hear my yoni’s authentic voice for the first time. It was like receiving the most delicious hug from the universe.
When I saw the prints (and I still can’t stop looking at them) I was entranced. I find that they tell me something new about myself each time I look at them. Ballet dancers, peacocks, pop culture references, pieces of my relationships...all captured in my yoni, my Natasha, guardian of my soul. The rebirth of a Phoenix burning bright with flame.
I shared my experience with several people I love, and the telling of the tale was something intimate, sweet and exciting. I was surprised at the reaction of my husband. In hearing about the experience, it allowed him to hear Natasha’s voice as well. On occasion he will talk to her now, placing his hand over her and honoring her with his love and warmth. As for me, I feel like I have woken a slumbering entity. One that is maiden, mother and crone. It sometimes feels like an impossible wisdom. I will be eternally grateful for the gift.
Yoni Print Participant
Natural self-expression informs how I share myself with the world, and I can’t imagine a more beautiful way to expose my unique pattern of womanhood than by printing my yoni for all to experience along with me. From the moment I stepped into the studio, undressed and breathed into the space, my space, her space, the space we all inhabit, I was at ease, yet spilling over with curiosity about the process and the outcome. I was seen for my many variations, touched with reverence, painted in all of my glory and pressed and printed upon the curved surface that reflects the space between my thighs.
Each time a new vision, novel expression and unending surprises awaited me. Here I AM, no longer hiding from myself or from those who know me, to see me for who I truly am and for me to show YOU who we ALL are-unique and beautiful creatures.
Yoni Print Participant
I decided to have my yoni printed to connect with myself on a different level. Since moving to Arizona a year ago I have felt the best I have in over 10 years and started a journey of self discovery and self love. I was very fortunate to be introduced to Christina and have attended other workshops that she facilitated. Christina has amazing energy and an amazing spirit.
The process of getting my yoni printed was amazing. Starting with connecting to my yoni and listening to what she has to tell me. This is a new experience for me and I was immediately at ease with the way that Christina goes about the process. She explains everything that she is doing and makes you very comfortable. Christina’s touch was gentle as she captured the detail and spirit of my yoni. The paint brush is soft and the application of paint is gentle. The sensation is nothing like I’ve felt before. It was if my yoni was saying, “Here I am, all of me, see me, hear me, I am beautiful.” The first moment I saw my yoni printed I was in awe. It was amazing to see what she looked like. As the printing continued it was remarkable to see all that she was in different stages of openness. I was
fortunate to have a fellow sister with me, someone I did not really know, but I am so glad she was there. There was an instant connection and bonding with another woman on another level that does not happen often. The sisterhood between the three of us as I went through the process is something that I treasure. I was able to let go of the things that hold me back. Things like embarrassment and body shaming were pushed aside. I was able to show who I am without fear.
Such a powerful experience.
To me having my yoni printed was about learning about myself and empowering myself. I had a feeling of pride. Standing back and looking at all the prints I continued to see something different in each print. Beauty, strength, nature, love, movement. I have all of those things and more inside of me and I am grateful for the experience.
Grateful for the ability to see myself in a new way.
Veronica Lynn Clark
Yoni Print Participant
This experience was an invitation to be liberated in a "whole" new way. First, I felt very whole and beautiful going into the experience and wanted to show my yoni in all her sweetness and badassary. It also felt whole to offer my print as a sign of light and love to other women who are yet unaware of the beauty and wisdom their yoni contains. My desire is that one day all women will be able to love themselves and their yonis in the most holiest of ways.
It felt natural and healing to have another sister to hold and touch my yoni after I'd undressed. I was able to lay my head down and feel the safety of love and surrender to the moment.
This was such a sacred offering, I felt as though I was making a contribution to the circle of women - a message of hope and the vestige of what we (women) can be when we are free of pain.
I am merely grateful for this experience. There is hope and love in sharing my yoni. My prayer is that women receive the message that there is the possibility of love, desire, sovereignty and joy after abuse- of any kind. -
Rachel Dillinger
Yoni Print Participant
Having my yoni printed was a way for me to connect with my yoni and myself on a deeper level, while being supported by sisters. I participated in a group painting session with other sisters. When I walked in the door I was greeted with love and joy for just showing up. One sister was being printed upon my arrival and I noticed her yoni was hairless. I felt scared, I have not shaved in a long time. After settling into the space I asked if I was suppose to shave. Christina responded so casually, “no, you're perfect just as you are”, I was ecstatic! I knew then I wasn’t going to be judged, my body then softened and I became relaxed. When it was my turn I was thrilled and ready to see what would become of this experience.
I was surprise when I became calm and entered into a meditative state (this is not a normal state for me to easily go into especially with others present). There is a particular moment that stands out in my mind: it was towards the end of my time when I felt so honored to be in that space and so grateful to be apart of it all, seeing all of my prints hanging on the wall, being surrounded by powerful woman and realizing I was apart of all of that made me come to tears. That I was being held in that space too! This was a very grounding experience for me to be utterly held as I am. I feel alive knowing something so beautiful came from me! I’ve never been creative or the artsy type until now. Being able to accept my body as beautiful art, has opened my heart to loving my body. Also because I have let my hair grow out for the first time in my life and having mixed emotions about this, to see how my prints turned out so unique and beautiful has deepened my love for how natural I allow myself to be.
Thank you Christina
Leela StarLion
Yoni Print Participant
My yoni loves to participate in art projects that raise awareness about the beauty and power of ALL women’s genitals. Far too many women experience shame of this most precious and intimate part of themselves and far too many doctors encourage and capitalize on that shame with labiaplasty.
I was extremely comfortable with this artistic process. Christina was very respectful and honoring in her approach. The cherry on top was witnessing Christina’s blossoming as the artist she is!
This is my yoni’s 4th art project. Each project has been very unique and each one has been something I’ve been extremely honored to participate in. I’m thrilled with my yoni prints! They’re exquisite!
This is the first time I’ve been in a relationship while participating in a project. I’m blessed to have a partner that was very happy for me, excited for Christina’s project and genuinely supportive all the way around.
Crystal Dawn Morris
As a midwife and Tantra teacher I want to see the Yoni honored.
It was a bonding experience. It felt like a sacred temple process. My hope is that people who participate and see the exhibit will be moved by it and that it will support healing the shame, guilt and fear around sexuality.
Yoni Print Participant
Ann Costa
Yoni Print Participant
My partner and I felt it was a unique opportunity that would push my personal boundaries and try something I had never experienced before.
I was slightly uncomfortable undressing in front of someone I had not met before and sitting in a vulnerable position. Being in a private room did help me feel fairly comfortable.
There was a slightly strange but also slightly sexual feeling about being so open and being touched and then having the yoni prints taken.
Overall it was a pleasant and somewhat exciting adventure.
Thank you Christina for being so professional and making me a part of the experience.
Jacyln T
Yoni Print Participant
Yoni printing sounded like a great idea for me at this point in my life. I'm learning to love every part of me and hoped this would help with that.
I was 100% comfortable with Christina, she made sure everything was on my terms.
The prints turned out so awesome! Very interesting to see the difference in each print and how easily my body changes.
I shared my experience and some images with close friends and recommend doing it, if at all interested. It's so interesting to learn there are different types of yoni's. And that ours dictate different feelings during intercourse and play.
I will for sure be looking into it more.
Thank you Christina
Diana Owens
Yoni Print Participan
As a tantra teacher and sex therapist, I want to empower women starting with myself. This was a unique and personal experience I did to support my good friend and colleague; as well as to deepen an understanding of myself and my relationship to my yoni and to participate in a project for women that is so personal and intimate.
I was a little uncomfortable at first undressing and allowing another person who wasn’t my partner to touch me. However, I felt very safe and nurtured, respected and loved during the experience.
I enjoyed seeing my Yoni printed.
It has deepened the meaning I have and the gratitude I have for my Yoni and for my femininity. It has also reminded me of the power we have as women to create and impact life through being ourselves. Connecting to my Yoni is connecting to the deepest part of myself and my sexuality. I wish this for all women. It’s such a special way of growing and healing.
Yoni Print Participant
The coziness of my own space was soothing, as I undressed for my first ever Yoni Print experience. My curiosity about my first time being printed was quickly replaced with a series of sensations as paint was gently applied. The coolness of the paint, the gentle strokes of the brushes on my yoni, minimal speaking between Christina and I, soon led me into a relaxed, meditative state.
Time was suspended.
Viewing my Yoni Prints was a celebration of feminine beauty! I thought, "She has so many moods and expressions!"
I took phone pictures of the prints and find myself looking at them now with a mixture of wonder and a desire to share this Yoni Print experience with women in my Women Healing Women Weekends.
Amy Otto
Yoni Print Participant
The yoni print process has given me permission to love my yoni again, and really, in a way I haven’t before.
To see her in the form of a snap shot reminds me how beautiful I am and how much power I hold.
The birth of my daughter was absolutely ideal. I was able to have the non evasive, non traumatizing home birth I wanted....
all except that I tore, which left me feeling
slightly broken and used up.
Yoni printing has helped bring me back into my body. Reminding me how complete I really am.
Workshop Participant
This weekend I reconnected.
I reconnected with myself and my yoni. After my miscarriage, I had a whole host of emotions toward my yoni that I had never felt before. Disappointment, anger and resentment were at the forefront. I worked through most of that on my own but was really able to sink in and bond this weekend like never before. Christina, your work is important and inspirational. I am so grateful to have been able to do this.
Stephanie U
Workshop Participant
I was nervous going in that I would be judged. Or that I would be uncomfortable with the level of vulnerability and exposure that I assumed would be required. Once I entered the circle and sat with the other women, I realized there was no judgement or want to judge. We were all there for ourselves, to create strength and power in ourself. All of the women wanted to help create that strength in each other, as well. We had all been through so many of the same things. Body shaming, Puritan upbringings, being told not to explore or understand our own bodies, traumas both physical and emotional. Everyone was very supportive, and giving, and warm.
We were encouraged to be as open or as reserved as we needed, and to be as exposed or covered as we needed. There were no phones allowed so we were able to be mindful in the space, and it also gave us privacy. Christina is both funny and informative. She is loving and supportive, and encourages you to do you. It helps create an easy and home-like environment. I had a great time. The ladies were wonderful, the space was beautiful, the printing was fun and easy, and the hostess was amazing.